Oklahoma State Poultry Federation Show
Shawnee, OK December 12, 2015
Reported by Melody Hobbs
It was a dark and stormy night…no, actually it was an unseasonably warm, breezy, overcast day. Held during the Oklahoma State Poultry Federation show hosted at the Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center in Shawnee, the 2015 Dominique National Specialty was a fine affair which offered friendly competition along with fellowship, and both sizes of our favorite breed of chickens.
On Friday evening, the Dominique lovers gathered round a long table at Abulita Rosa’s Mexican Restaurant where laughter, salsa, and songs abounded. As the meal progressed, talk turned to more serious matters such as boosting club membership. A much agreed upon suggestion was that new members should be greatly encouraged to become involved with club events. The potential was also mentioned for occasional get-togethers in order for members to talk chicken and generally make merry.
Saturday arrived with only a limited number of margarita regrets. All told, 15 exhibitors, club members and supporters took turns manning the table, answering questions about America’s oldest breed, and inviting poultry fanciers to find more information at the club table.
Ribbons and rosettes both from the club as well as specially ordered by Stephenie Surbey, two golden cup trophies donated by Fred Farthing, a show box also donated by Stephenie Surbey for overall Best Dominique in Show, and club fliers filled the tabletop, and a new banner proudly announcing the Dominique Club hung on the wall just behind. Thanks to Abby Hobbs, Pecan is now the Official Pie of the Dominique club of America. In the end, despite a fierce struggle for the trophies, a good time was had by all.
Main results of the show are as follows:
– Grand Champion Dominique Large Fowl went to Stephenie Surbey for her cockerel; Reserve Grand Champion Dominique Large Fowl went to Fred Farthing’s pullet. Grand Champion Dominique Bantam went to Stephenie Surbey with a pullet. Stephenie’s son, Olafur Gunnarsson, went on to clean up the Open Class Bantams taking Reserve Grand Champion Dominique Bantam with another pullet.
– Best of Breed large fowl went to Caleb Cooperrider. In the Junior bantams, Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick won Best of Breed with a hen, Kaden Bell took Reserve with another hen. Sam Brush was on hand to select Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick’s hen as the Best Overall Dominique and she was awarded the showbox that we hope to see her fill with more lovely Dominiques for many, many years to come.